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Thursday, 2 February 2012

5 Funny Ways Men Use To Masturbate

You think that there is only one way to attain pleasure! There are several techniques which are used by men to masturbate. If your technique to masturbate (shafting) has created boredom then you can try few funny yet different ways to get pleasure. Take a look...

5 funny ways to masturbate:

Plastic bag:
Few men love to make the method of self masturbation easy. In this funny way, the man applies lotion or soap inside the plastic bag and shafts. Shagging becomes easy and simple.

Watermelon: A hole is created in the center of the watermelon. This is a way men feel like they are having an intercourse.

Pillow: This is another funny ways men use to masturbate. In this, the man lies on the bed and use a pillow to rub the penis. Some of them also try to place cushions in between their penis thinking it to be an intercourse and then shafting till they cum.

Switching hands: The technique is same but the only change is that of the hand usage. Right handed men try with their left hand for a variation and vice-versa.

Stranger: It is one of the most preferred ways used by men to masturbate and cum easily. This is funny and can be playful. Instead of just sitting on your hand, you can also rub to cum easily!

These are the 5 funny ways men use to masturbate and cum with different masturbation techniques.

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