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Saturday, 31 December 2011

Women's Sensual Spots To Arouse Her!

If you want to spice up romance and want new ways to arouse a woman then know the sensual spots of a women to excite her. Just touching or caressing her bosom doesn't excite all women. Grabbing or slapping the buttocks or just feeling her during the foreplay is not sufficient to arouse a woman.

Here are sensual spots of women to ignite the passion and arouse her:

1. A woman wants to be touched with love, curiosity and delicacy. Men need to know women's sensual spots which makes her feel excited, giddy, aroused immediately. If you use these woman sensual body parts then you might get her aroused in a minute

2. A woman's back is one of her sensual spots. Giving a massage or rubbing your tongue on her naked back will make her go crazy. She might try to stop you as it tickles but don't let her stop of you want to arouse a woman.

3. Play with her ears. The area behind her ears is very sensitive. Make use of this delicate and soft area. Tickle with your tongue or blow air in the ear and the back side of the ears.

4. Collarbone is one of the woman's sensitive body parts. Loving on the neck tickles her and makes her ready to make love.

5. Inner thighs are also woman's sensitive body parts. If you caress her on her thighs she will get aroused in seconds and will go crazy to make love.

6. Foot: This is a tender woman body part which can induce feeling of tenderness and caring which can be an excellent way to arouse a woman. Give a foot massage or tickle her foot with fingers to get her in a mood to make love.

7. Armpits: A woman might fell uncomfortable or be shy to tell but armpits arouse woman instantly.

Remember, soft, sensitive and sensual women spots can excite them. Feel it with sensuality to make love to her!


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