Are you sure that you know enough about your vagina and if what you know is actually true?
Vagina - every woman has it, but it is still surrounded by a veil of mystery. Still, every woman should know at least few things about it. Check them out.
The quantity of vaginal discharge depends on every woman and her monthly cycle. Some women who are completely healthy have to wear sanitary towels every day because of their heavy discharge; while some almost don`t have any discharge at all. Until the discharge is not accompanied by itching, burning pain or unpleasant smell, there`s no reason to worry.
Every vagina and every vulva is unique. Some women have large labia majora, while with others labia minora is almost as large as labia majora, but they are all unique. That`s why you should never compare yourself to airbrushed genitalia of women in porno magazines, but accept your body as it is, including your vagina and vulva.
It is difficult for most women to experience orgasm only with penetration. At least some stimulation of the clitoris is required and you should never be worried if you haven`t achieved vaginal orgasm. In most cases, vaginal orgasm is only a myth.
You have to be patient if you want to find your G-spot. G-spot is very hard to find and you shouldn`t despair if you don`t succeed. You can have a great sex life without it, too.
The decision about the surroundings of your vagina is completely personal. It is however true, that certain beauty standards exist about the appearance of the female sex organs, but that doesn`t mean you have to follow them too. You probably don`t wear everything when it comes to clothes, right?
It is not possible to become a virgin again. Or, that your hymen would grow back if you abstain from vaginal intercourse for some time. It is just a myth.
Vaginal winds are normal and they happen to every woman, especially during the sexual act itself or when doing certain exercises. Don`t be embarrassed, it`s perfectly normal.
Vagina doesn`t need vaginal douching. Vaginal douching can be even harmful, because it destroys the pH balance of the vagina, which prevents bacteria from developing.
Vaginal intercourse isn`t supposed to be painful, although many women experience it as such. If you`re one of them, visit your gynecologist, who will look for reasons behind it.
Female ejaculation is quite controversial; some say that it is possible, while others object. If you haven`t experienced it, don`t worry! It is not connected with anything that would bring you extra pleasure during intercourse
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