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Saturday, 26 November 2011

Now, a water-powered radio!

A UK based company has invented a radio that is powered by the motion of water flowing into a shower.

The H20 water-powered radio, manufactured by Tango Group, clips onto the water pipe that runs up to a shower head.

The radio uses micro turbine technology and is powered by the water pressure running up a pipe.

“The radio runs on energy generated solely through the flow of water, starting as the shower is turned on. It harnesses power that would otherwise literally go straight down the drain,” the telegraph quoted a spokesman for Tango Group as saying.

Tango hopes that the waterproof radio will enjoy the same success as the Wind-Up Radio.

The H20 was invented by Vivian Black, a former director of Freeplay Energy Group, which helped turn Trevor Baylis’s Wind-UP Radio into a commercial success in the 1990s.

“Having seen huge success with the commercialisation of the Wind-Up Radio, we were constantly looking into new ways that further innovations in the radio sector could be made,” Black said.

“Creating the now-patented micro turbine technology, that allows the radio to operate solely through the flow of water, was the key to our new innovation; and thus the world’s first water-powered shower radio was created,” he added.

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