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Monday, 30 January 2012

Sunshine vitamin `can help boost fertility in men and women`

Can`t conceive? Bask in the sun, for a study says it can boost fertility in both men and women.

Researchers at Medical University of Graz in Austria say sunlight boosts fertility in both men and women by increasing their levels of vitamin D which is also key to balancing sex hormones in females and improving sperm count in males.

In women, vitamin D helps boost levels of the female sex hormones progesterone and oestrogen by 13 per cent and 21 per cent respectively, regulating menstrual cycles and making conception more likely, say the researchers.

While in men, vitamin D is essential for the healthy development of each sperm`s nucleus, according to the findings which mean that some couples may be undergoing unnecessary and costly fertility treatment when spending time in the sun could be the answer, the `Daily Mail` reported.

Exposure to sunlight also increases levels of the male sex hormone testosterone, improving a man`s libido, according to the study which is a review of several researches.

However, lead author Dr Elisabeth Lerchbaum said that while sunshine appears to improve fertility, it is important couples don`t overdo it because of the risk of skin cancer
from over-exposure.

"People could either spend more time outside in the sun -- or they could take vitamin D supplements, which are a safe and cheap way to increase levels," she was quoted as saying by the British newspaper.

The findings, published in the `European Journal of Endocrinology`, also claim that the link between sunshine and fertility has also been found in animal studies carried out

1 comment:

  1. The thing is that IVF has become a big business and no one wants to see it go! For parents there is the thrill of having multiples, of having a ready made family in one go, for doctors there are the profits! But infertility is not only due to a Vit. D deficiency, there are more deficiencies which most of us have and which affect a lot more than just fertility! It is amazing that nowadays most couples believe that you can't have a child without IVF, they all have "problems" conceiving.... Yes, they do have problems in the sense that things don't work when they want them to but mostly, if they don't have a medical condition things are easily reversed. But getting obsessed doesn't help either and people nowadays are completely obsessed about babies, even having IVF after having quite a few children. One in 7 couples in the UK is infertile and no one sees the odity of that?.

    Vitamin D
