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Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Having sex after delivery can be difficult?

It is understandable that a few weeks after giving birth you may not feel any sexual desire and that you avoid sexual intercourse. Your body needs rest and time to balance itself after so much physical effort.

Sex after delivery can be a big step for some new mothers, in particular for those who are faced with a strong vaginal discharge, tiredness, stitches in the perineum or even postnatal depression. Most of these problems are resolved gradually, even without professional help.
Use a lubricant

Use a lubricant when you start having sex after delivery. A lubricant will moisten your vagina and perineum, so that it will not be painful for you. If sex hurts despite the use of a lubricant, the injury of the perineum may still have not quite healed. If you are afraid of an infection, visit your physician who will examine the injured tissue.

The vagina returns to its former shape after childbirth and your partner is unlikely to notice any difference. If you feel that your vaginal muscles lost their strength, you can strengthen them with Kegel exercises or vaginal balls.

The breasts are tender and swollen after childbirth. If you are sexually aroused, it is very likely that milk will leak from your nipples. If this puts your partner off, try to feed your baby before you have sexual intercourse, which will temporarily empty the mammary glands.

New mothers say that tiredness is the most common cause for dampening their libido. The time you spend together with your partner is precious. However, while spending time together, you both feel exhausted. To ensure more quality time together, it is best if you adjust it to the baby. You know the baby’s daily schedule and when he or she takes naps and when he or she cries. You can thus use the periods when the baby naps for your intimacy.

If the idea of sex after delivery puts you off completely, you should listen to yourself. A lot of women avoid sexual contact for months after childbirth. However, do not forget about your partner. To retain a healthy relationship during the difficult time of raising the newborn, it is particularly important to openly discuss your feelings with each other.

It is also important that the man takes into consideration the woman’s distress and problems. A woman is exhausted after giving birth. Along with the daily chores, you can help her, above all, with moral and emotional support. Discuss sex with each other and try to make love slowly, with a great deal of tenderness and affection as well as understanding.

And another thing: don`t forget about contraception after giving birth because you may already get pregnant again during your first sex after delivery.

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