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Saturday, 31 December 2011

5 Foods To Increase Body Height Naturally!

If you don't like your short height and several attempts have failed you in increasing a foot, then why not try foods which can help in height gain! Human Growth Hormone, HGH is a secretion from the pituitary gland which increases the body height. Due to lack of proteins and nutrition, the growth is limited or very slow. It is difficult to believe but even foods can increase body height. So, improve the supplement of proteins and vitamins in your diet with these foods to enhance height gain.

List of foods to increase height:

Vitamin D: An essential vitamin required for height is vitamin D rich food. For the proper absorption of calcium, bone development and healthy immune functioning, include vitamin D rich foods such as fish, cereals, eggs, tofu, soy milk, soy beans, mushrooms, sausages and almonds.

Protein: This is another natural way to increase height . Protein rich foods are healthy and effective in height gain as it repairs body tissues and promotes building new tissues. Amino acids in protein rich foods are crucial for proper growth and function of the human body. Protein rich foods such as milk, cheese, green beans, seeds (pumpkin, watermelon and squash), fish (tuna, salmon), lean meat, lean beef, peanuts, lentils, chicken, oatmeals, soy beans and pulses are nutritious. Include these foods in your diet to enhance height gain.

Vitamin A: For healthy and proper functioning of the body organs, have vitamin A rich food. Vitamin A preserves calcium in the bones and keeps it strong and healthy. Vitamin A rich foods also improves eye sight and helps get a glowing skin. Include food such as spinach, beetroot, carrots, chicken, cantaloupe, papaya, peach, milk, tomatoes, peas and apricot. You can even have juice of few vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, beetroot to name a few.

Calcium: It is important to keep the bones strong. Calcium rich foods improves the bone growth and development. Have dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt and eggs everyday to increase height. These foods are filling, tasty and healthy!

Minerals: Minerals build bone tissues, increase bone growth and improves blood flow in the body. To increase height naturally, have mineral rich foods such as green beans, legumes, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, pumpkin, carrot, lentils, peanuts, bananas, prunes, grapes ands peaches.

If you want to increase your height naturally, have these foods and enhance height gain!

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