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Thursday 6 October 2011

Tests for Men Over 50

Prevention is better than cure. Yes, we all know that but how many of us actually heed to this piece of advice? As men age, various health concerns can emerge and the golden rule is to have annual physical examinations and medical screenings. Annual check ups are not only meant for diagnosis but also functions as symptomatic treatment and preventive care. The body sends out various signals in form of symptoms for an underlying condition and to identify this at the right time is crucial for good health.

    Blood cholesterol test: a very simple test and a great preventive measure to evaluate any chances of heart conditions you may have. This test measures the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. Abnormal levels of cholesterol and triglycerides can cause heart attack and stroke. Due to stressful lives, heart attacks have become common in men in their thirties. This test can be done after the age of thirty and especially by men who have a family history of heart ailments or who smoke and also those who are diabetic.

    Colon and rectal examination: men after the age of fifty should go for a yearly test of rectal examination and fecal or stool test. It is the best way to prevent cancer of the prostate or colon. Detection of polyps is undertaken and also stool is checked for blood to find out any internal bleeding. Any family history of colon or prostate cancer ups your risk.

    Dental examination: men who smoke, ingest tobacco in raw form and have poor dental hygiene put themselves at risk of oral cancer and ulcers. Various studies have also shown a link between heart ailments and poor dental care. A half yearly dental check up will not only save you all costs of dental related procedures but also guard your heart.

    Depression screening: both mental health and physical health are important for overall wellbeing. Depression is a commonly occurring emotional condition as we age and has to be professionally treated. Men can be seriously affected with depression due to the nature of men as they are more reserved and pent up their feelings and emotions. If you are feeling hopeless and dejected for a long period without any reason you might be suffering from depression. Consult a doctor for an appointment with a psychiatrist.

    Eye exam: with age vision related problems occur and yearly eye exams are necessary to avoid further damage. Glaucoma and other age-related macular degeneration can be prevented by timely treatment. Eye examination can also pinpoint other ailments like diabetes and high blood pressure.

    PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test: since ageing men are prone to prostate cancer this test can save lot of lives. This test measures the level of PSA in the blood; it is a type of protein and is found in increased quantity if a man has prostate cancer. Age, family history and race are the risk factors of prostrate cancer and yearly screenings are essential.

    Skin examination: this test acts as a preventive measure for various types of skin cancers and timely treatment. A visual examination of the body is carried out and you need to observe for any changes in mole size and color.

    Body weight: obesity can be an invitation to a lot of life-threatening diseases and hence a moderate body weight needs to be maintained. Calculate your body mass index (BMI) to find out your status.

    Blood sugar test: a basic blood test to check sugar levels in the body, a preventive measure for diabete

    Blood pressure test: blood pressure needs to be checked once every two years and more frequently if suffering from high blood pressure.

    Testterone test: a blood sample is taken to check levels of testosterone in men. Low testosterone levels can affect sex drive, hair growth and bone strength.

    HIV or STD testing: men leading an active sex life or having multiple partners need to get checked for HIV and sexually transmitted infections.

Routine physical examination on a yearly basis is important for preventive health care. Even if you seem to be not suffering from any particular condition or are not at high risk for any disease it is a good practice to go for medical check ups after fifty.

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