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Tuesday 27 September 2011

Exercises During Pregnancy

You need to be careful regarding what exercise routine you should be following during your pregnancy. Certain pregnancy exercises are only good for the first few months while others can be continued till the end month of pregnancy. Consult your doctor before starting any exercise regimen.

Walking during Pregnancy

Walking is one of the safest exercises and is great for beginners. It gives a moderate amount of workout to the cardio system and is very low in impact. It is a gentle form of fitness during pregnancy which is less stressful on the joints and ligaments thus reducing any chances of injuries. Walking can be continued well into the last month of pregnancy and the pace can be adjusted accordingly. Wear supportive shoes and avoid overheating. Keep yourself hydrated.

Jogging/Running during pregnancy

Having a previous routine of jogging may not cause any problem in the first few months of pregnancy. But, if your body is not used to this form of exercise, you risk yourself to injuries in the knees and ankles. As your center of gravity shifts during pregnancy there is an increased risk of a fall or impact. Due to the relaxation of joints during pregnancy, risk of fall is more and adequate caution needs to be applied. Wear good fitting shoes to provide optimum support. Read more

Swimming during pregnancy

Swimming is one of the best exercises a pregnant woman can safely do as there is no impact on the joints, no risk of falling down and very little risk of overheating. But a pregnant woman should avoid deep water swimming or scuba diving as the water pressure beneath can adversely affect the baby. Read more

Yoga during pregnancy

Yoga and stretching are less impact exercises which can be safely done during pregnancy. It is great for aiding flexibility and toning muscles but may need to be combined with some form of cardio exercise like walking. Yoga involves various breathing techniques which can help in during labor by remaining relaxed through the contractions. It helps improve body posture and by aiding flexibility it helps you deal better with aches and cramps. There are classes of yoga specially designed for pregnant women. Avoid asanas which make you lie flat on your back as you may start feeling dizzy. Avoid stretching for too long and do not get experimental with various moves. Follow instructions of the expert. Read to know about Prenatal Yoga Tips

Aerobics during pregnancy

Aerobics might get taxing for pregnant women as it involves fast paced moves. You can talk with your instructor whether they have any classes designed for pregnant women. Avoid overstretching, abrupt moves and lying on the back.

Weight training during pregnancy

If you have been training weights before pregnancy, it should not be a problem though heavy weights and particular positions should be avoided. Proper techniques should be followed and overheating should be avoided. Just be careful with the amount of weight your training with. Read more

Pregnancy Abdominal Exercise

Exercise during early pregnancy for abdominal muscles is very helpful in strengthening the back and later on for ease in delivery. There are several precautions that pregnant women need to take while doing abdominal exercises during pregnancy. Jumping or bouncing, lying on the back or any exercise which puts undue pressure on your back need to be avoided.

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